
Naresh is getting bigger

Sammohanam posts good numbers

Sudheer Babu trying to be different

Sammohanam - Movie Review

Sammohanam has weight in the story: Aditi

Aditi Rao Hydari plays the role of an actress in Sammohanam. It is the story that drew her to this film. Language was never a barrier for this actress. She tells us why she chose supporting role in Padmavat and much more in this chit chat. 

Did Cheliya's failure bother you?

I am improving with every film: Sudheer Babu

Sudheer Babu is all set with his upcoming film ‘Sammohanam’. He plays the role of a person who hates films. The actor talks about the film and also how he is faring as an actor without using any influence from his family. 

What made you sign this film in the first place?

Sammohanam carrying good buzz

Indraganti: Sammohanam wipes negative perception

Indraganti Mohana Krishna's film 'Sammohanam' is just a week away from release. The film's trailer has created good interest. He talks about how he has tried to clear the wrong perception that exists on film industry.

Are you positive about the film's success?

Sammohanam censored gets U certificate

Mahesh to grace Sammohanam event


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